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GNLD Neolife Fibre Tablets

GNLD Fibre Tablets

Fibre in the diet assists elimination, very important to dieters and non-dieters alike,help in combating liver and kidney disorder.Fibre can also provide a fullness feeling that helps to reduce the desire for large portions of food. In addition to assistance with dieting, a high fibre diet, full of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, has also been associated with a well functioning body. Despite its importance, people on average consume less than half the daily fibre scientists recommend for optimal well-being. Each dose of 4 tablets contributes 2g of fibre from a variety of food sources.
Key Features:
Promotes optimal intestinal function.
Contributes to a pleasant feeling of fullness when taken with a full glass of water prior to a meal.
Can be of benefit in a weight management program.
Fibre Tablet is an ideal source of fibre containing a variety of both soluble and insoluble fibre for maximum benefit and efficiency.
It contributes to a pleasant feeling of fullness and also helps to regulate intestinal function.
Safe and wholesome alternative to appetite suppressant drugs.
Non-habit forming.
No harmful side effects.
Fibre from eight sources: a unique blend of whole grains, fruits and vegetables: 4 tablets provide two grams of
dietary fibre.
Makes it easier to choose smaller meals.

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NeoLife is a nutrition company that manufactures and sells superior quality whole food nutrition products, with a mission to make the world a healthier and happier place. NeoLife has been in business for 60 years, since 1958, and operating in over 50 countries around the world.

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